| +91- 98242 58544

PELICAN-309 is a highly effective antiscalant, specially formulated for feed-stream of water
treatment systems using membrane technology. It contains a combination of well-proven agents,
which prevent crystallization of inorganic solutes while protecting membranes from deposition
of colloidal particles. Use of this product is recommended for reducing the operating and capital
costs of reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF) and ultrafiltration (UF) systems.
Advantages to using PELICAN-309
 Controls colloidal calcium phosphate in waste waters
 Effective in retarding polymerization and precipitation of reactive and non-reactive silica
 Effectively controls inorganic scales over a large concentration range
 Compatible with major manufacturer’s RO, NF, and UF membranes
 May be used diluted or undiluted
 Effective in feedwaters with pH range 5.0 – 10.0
 Efficacious for controlling aluminum, iron, heavy metals and silica
 Protects membrane surface from deposition of colloidal foulants

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PELICAN-319 is a low pH antiscalant comprising our huge gamut of water treatment related chemical. PELICAN-319 is used in Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment for prevention of scales on RO Membranes.


pH (as such) 3. 5 to 4. 5
Appearance Colorless / white slightly viscous liquid
Water Solubility Completely soluble
Solid Content 33 to 34% w/w
Specific Gravity 1. 17 to 1. 23

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